Thursday, October 9, 2008

We need your help

Fall is here, summer fun is over and soon enough we will be back to the dry indoors air. It is not all bad; we are in fact having a lot more fun here. We are excited to tell you about what we are up to.

We have taken gnizr to the operating room and we are giving it a good face lift. We are also gearing up to hit the road to raise capital so we can take gnizr open source and gnizr Enterprise to the next level.

To help us get our story right and make it more compelling, we need your feedback and testimonials. Let us know if you are using gnizr for fun or at your workplace. knowing what who is using gnizr would help us a great deal. Post your feedback on this blog.

Thanks for trying gnizr out. We can only succeed with your support.

The gnizr team


Rick said...

I have gnizr implemented in the workplace. There are only a few shortcomings preventing widespread enterprise use. I think it's a great product with excellent utility.

Yaser Bishr said...

thanks for the feedback. Ideas are welcomed, so let us know what those shortcomings are.

ebichuman said...

Hi guys! We're a group of people in Spain trying to develop a gnizr site, but focused on food recipes only. We found your software amazing so we're right now working on extending your system to support our idea. We would like to tell you how well structured and intuitive is your code, and how easy is to start getting to understand it. Btw, the only flaw we found by now is lack of internationalization support! Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

We are currently using Gnizr as an educational links site for teachers and learners. Works well.

gwenstefni said...

Gnizr is an open source application for social bookmarking and web mashup. It is easy to use gnizr to create a personalized portal for a group of friends and colleagues to store, classify, share information, and mash-it-up with information about location.

Social Bookmarking